Prayer for Our Elect and Candidates
God of love and compassion,
it is your will to establish
all things in Christ and to draw each of us into God's all-embracing love.
Guide these Chosen ones:
Strengthen them in their vocation,
building them into the kingdom ofyour Son,
and seal them with the Spirit of your promise.
The Scrutinies
They are received at the Rite of Reception, which is conducted during the Easter Vigil.
Please pray for our candidates and catechumens who are preparing to join us at the Eucharistic table this Easter.
There are three separate Scrutinies, celebrated on the Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays of Lent.
To learn more about the scrutiny of the Elect, visit the RCIA page.
The scrutinies are meant to uncover, and then heal all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the hearts of the elect; to bring out, then strengthen all that is upright, strong, and good. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, International Commission on English in the Liturgy and the Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy, National Conference of Catholic Bishops).