This ministry is a committed group of Extraordinary Ministers to the Sick, as well as visitors to the sick. Weekly ministers bring Holy Communion to our homebound parishioners and to senior residences in the parish, to include care homes, assisted living, and memory care facilities. We also have ministers that make visits to Kaiser and Sutter hospitals in Roseville.
What does it Mean to be an Extraordinary Minister to the Sick?
Ministers are thoroughly trained to offer a Communion service and to bring the Eucharist respectfully and compassionately for those they visit. What more beautiful bond is there between people of the faith than to offer another the Eucharist, bringing them comfort and strength during a time of illness? The people we visit are so thankful and full of love for us and for the Lord. In this ministry we receive far more than we give. Ministers are chosen for their integrity, their empathy, their humility and their devotion to our homebound.
How are the priests involved?
Fr. Renier is available to our homebound for Holy Communion and the Anointing of the Sick. He can also anoint the sick periodically at these residences. We are blessed to have a priest so willing and committed to helping our infirm.
We are always in need of more people to become trained as Extraordinary Ministers to the Sick, and to bring our homebound to Mass. If you would like to become involved in this ministry, contact us or submit the following.