I was born in Los Angeles, CA to Molokan (non practicing) parents; consequently I grew up without a religious education. I completed public schools through the 12th grade, and then received a BA in English from CSULA in 1962. While pursuing my Bachelor's degree I was baptized in the Catholic Church in 1960 and married Jane in 1961.
We spent three years in service with the Lay Mission Helpers Association of Los Angeles from 1969 - 1972 in Nyeri, Kenya where I taught in a Catholic secondary school and Jane established and operated a Catholic bookstore. We took 4 children with us and returned with 5 and subsequently had one more child for a total of 6 children (8 grandchildren).
Two of our children have carried on the "missionary" tradition. Our "African" daughter, Catherine, and her husband also went with the LMH of LA on assignment to American Samoa as teachers. Our oldest son, David, completed a one year assignment in Swaziland, southern Africa, under the auspices of the Catholic Medical Mission Board.
I was accepted for diaconate training in 1976 and ordained in 1980 for the Diocese of San Bernardino/Riverside. I was incardinated to the Sacramento Diocese in 2008.
I am retired from the CA Department of Corrections, where I was a Correctional Counselor in a prison for 10 years and a Parole Agent for 13 years.
As a Deacon I have been involved in various ministries: Preached throughout the San Bernardino Diocese on behalf of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith (SPOF); Member(s) of the San Bernardino Bishop’s commission on Sexual Abuse; Member(s) of the Diocesan Permanent Deacon selection committee; Annulment Advocate; RCIA Team member; and other usual duties, including preaching, funerals, weddings, baptisms and occasional counseling.
At SS. Peter & Paul I have continued with all of the above activities excepting SPOF & Bishop’s committee.