They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of bread and to the prayers. All who believed were together and had all things in common. (
Acts 2:42, 44)
Your willingness to serve at Mass is appreciated. Due to the number of people who attend our liturgies at SS. Peter & Paul, it is necessary that we have several dedicated and faithful ministers to serve our community at Mass.
We are now using Ministry Scheduler Pro and when you are trained as a Eucharistic Minister, you will be trained in how to use this scheduling software. (Don't's easy!)
You are responsible for finding a replacement when you are unable to serve on your scheduled day.
On the rare occasions when an absence is sudden or unexpected, please contact the Mass Coordinator if a replacement can’t be found.
Please realize, when you assume the Mass Coordinator can find a replacement for you, you may be placing an unfair burden on them and the other Eucharistic Ministers at the last minute. Rushing to find replacements changes the experience from an uplifting, spiritual one to a stressful one for Mass Coordinators. This type of situation is an excellent example of why we all need to take responsibility for our absences.
Thank You
May God bless you for your ministry to the community of SS. Peter & Paul.